📄️ The engine
LeanJSX provides three main features:
📄️ Server-side JSX
LeanJSX takes advantage of the collocation of HTML and JavaScript and abstracts away all the setup needed to connect action handlers with elements.
📄️ HTTP streaming
Chunked Transfer Encoding or HTTP streaming has been available since HTTP 1.1. However, most web frameworks -either server-driven or SSR-based- don't fully take advantage of this feature by default. Developers need to explicitely configure their endpoint handlers to provide a streamed response.
📄️ Static and dynamic content
Work in progress. Support for updating dynamic content after the page is loaded is currently on process, which means that dynamic behavior post page load needs to be manually implemented by developers.
📄️ Event handlers, state, and context management
LeanJSX approach to content rendering requires developers to manage application state in a different way than regular JavaScript frameworks.
📄️ Use cases and limitations
LeanJSX's approach to handling both static and dynamic content sets some hard constraints on how developers build their applications, and defines the type of web applications for which LeanJSX is a good tool.